“Economies of proximity” is the name of the training meetings promoted by the Fondazione Èbbene, which will host some of the most prestigious voices in the field of Civil Economy and Institutional Philanthropy.
A series of meetings and moments divided into several days to discuss and talk about various topics such as youth and enterprise, proximity economies, work and talent.
One day of the event will also feature Fondazione Milan, with the intervention of Rocco Giorgianni, secretary general, who will talk about enlightened and generative philanthropy.
Fondazione Milan has long collaborated with the Fondazione Èbbene through the Sport for All project, which this year took place at the Spazio47 Educational Centre in Catania.
The project includes a series of initiatives in the Catania area to encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of sport and, more generally, in society.
The project is active in the San Cristoforo district of the city of Catania, one of the poorest and most degraded areas where young people are in a context of social and economic hardship, where the absence of educational and cultural stimuli leads to a progressive removal from the world of school.
The lack of meeting spaces dedicated to educational, sporting and recreational activities makes it difficult for young people to socialise and, above all, to integrate those with any kind of disability.
The Fondazione Èbbene and the Fondazione Milan are committed to offering sports courses and extracurricular recreational activities, using sport as an educational and integration tool for minorities.
If placed in a structured and positive context, young people have the opportunity to rediscover their talents and inclinations and find the enthusiasm to face the path towards their goals with seriousness, dedication and spirit of sacrifice.