Fondazione Milan Onlus has protected all its trademarks, both figurative and word, with exclusive registration in the main countries around the world.

Merely by way of an example, Fondazione Milan Onlus has registered the word trademark “Fondazione Milan” in all fonts, for its products and services in Italy and internationally, as well as the trademark

Fondazione Milan Onlus rights are also protected by internationally recognised copyright legislation.

In addition to the above trademarks, Fondazione Milan Onlus owns the domain “”. This is the domain name of the official Fondazione Milan Onlus website.

Aware of the values of its trademarks as indicators of the highest level of quality, in its own interest and the interest of its backers, Fondazione Milan Onlus is particularly active in controlling the use made of its trademarks.

With a view to guaranteeing the origin of services and products, Fondazione Milan Onlus constantly monitors the main international databases for trademark and domain registration applications, therefore preventing illegal registration made by unauthorized third parties.