Denise and the sense of being altruistic | Sport for All

Denise: how to support the path of so many young people

Today we would like to tell the story of Denise, a 33-year-old operator who works in a multifunctional centre with vulnerable young people and is a tutor in the Sport for All project set up in Naples thanks to the collaboration between Fondazione Milan and Yuki Onlus.

“I chose to specialise in psychomotricity fascinated by the possibility of allowing a harmonious integration of motor, functional, affective, relational and cognitive aspects. So in 2019, I obtained a master’s degree in Psychomotricity: training tools and methodologies of educational intervention.

Thanks to these studies, I was able to structure a path to stimulate psychophysical wellbeing and work on perception and awareness of oneself and one’s surroundings.

Initially, the children in the project were wary and the start of the workshop was not easy due to the difficulties they had in recognising basic concepts and the emotional states that affect the progress of the activities. As time went by, there was a general improvement in the skills acquired by the pupils and in their enthusiasm for the activities. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the children worked passionately during the game, played with their imagination and explored the world of possibilities, freeing themselves from their anxieties.”

All this is possible by supporting the Sport for All project, which has always been on the side of the most vulnerable, to show that sport belongs to everyone, without distinction.

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