Continuing with the social responsibility initiatives carried out last year in support of Pane Quotidiano, AC Milan and the Fondazione Milan have decided to support together the project “Empowering women and girls through Football”, which helps girls and young women in Nairobi, Kampala, and Calcutta.
For the 2022-2023 season, Fondazione Milan will once again be present with the Sport for Change programme in these three big cities to spread the values of sport, promote inclusion, and guarantee a chance for girls and young women to be emancipated and empowered, making them protagonists, on and off the field, of sporting and social affirmation.
The three projects involved in Rossoneri’s Christmas initiative are:
The Asha Bhavan centre, which operates in the suburbs of Calcutta, has as its mission the rehabilitative and educational development of children and, in particular, girls with disabilities. Thisce is characterised by poverty, both economic and educational, and exclusion from the community of reference. In an all-round approach, the association aims to restore the girls’ right to health and sport. In the path of rehabilitation and social reintegration, sport plays an important role because, in addition to improving disease and health, it allows the vicious circle of discrimination to be broken.

The ‘My Dream’ project, promoted by Alice For Children as part of the From Milan To The World contest, continues for the 2022-2023 season, offering girls from the slums of Nairobi an opportunity to pursue their dreams. The beneficiaries of the My Dream project are more than 1,300 girls and young women aged 10 to 18, i.e. adolescents or pre-adolescents who are entering what is for them the most delicate and insidious phase. The socio-educational intervention includes an extensive programme of support activities aimed at offering girls a safe place to grow up, away from the abuse and suffering associated with a culture deeply marked by inequality and gender-based violence. Underlying the initiative is the belief that sport, in tandem with educational activities and psychological support, can be the perfect tool to enable girls to become strong, independent women in the future.

During 2022, Fondazione Milan supported the Bishop Cipriano Kihangire school, in particular the football activities of the Primary and Secondary sections. The project attracted so much interest in football among the girls that it was decided to focus this year’s proposal on girls and the formation of a Girl Football Club at BCK Primary. The inequality between men and women in Uganda remains very stark and often limits the possibility for girls to actively participate in the social life of their country. Promoting football as early as primary school will empower and emancipate girls from an early age.

From today, on the occasion of Giving Tuesday, Fondazione Milan, through the voice of the girls of the Women’s First Team, invites all fans to join forces and support the youngsters of the three projects together with the Rossoneri family. Simply connect to donate.fondazionemilan.org, where it will be possible to make a donation to support the project “Empowering women and girls through Football”.
Furthermore, on Sunday 4 December, at 14:30, Fondazione Milan will take the field together with the girls of the Women’s First Team in the AC Milan – AS Roma match at the Centro Sportivo Vismara – Puma House of Football to promote the initiative and fundraising.