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Fondazione Milan to be “Match Charity Partner” of AC Milan vs. Monza in support of “Planting New Memories”

La Fondazione sarà protagonista di attività speciali e promuoverà la raccolta fondi a supporto dei progetti lanciati dalla famiglia rossonera in queste Festività

Milano, 15 December 2023 – On the occasion of AC Milan’s match versus Monza in Serie A on 17 December at 12:30 CET, Fondazione Milan will be the ‘Match Charity Partner’ again for a Men’s First Team match, following the ‘debut’ in AC Milan vs. Cremonese last season.

The Foundation will be the star of the Matchday, enjoying a moment during the warm-up dedicated to commemorating its commitment and many achievements, inviting representatives from its various projects to attend the match and involving the fans at San Siro in activities with the Rossonero mascot, Milanello, outside of the stadium.

The match against Monza will also provide the opportunity to promote the special digital fundraising campaign that will support the two projects launched by the Club and the Fondazione Milan during the holidays as part of the international ‘Planting New Memories‘ initiative. Created to contribute to the protection of the planet and concretise the vision and commitment of the entire Rossoneri family towards social and environmental issues, in the interest of future generations, the initiative includes a local project – the regeneration of a multisport field, currently unusable, within a public green area in Milan’s Municipality 9 – and an international one – the planting of a Rossoneri forest around the world, which fans can help grow by participating in fundraising and planting new trees on the dedicated Treedom section.

As a testimony to the collective commitment of the Club’s various members in support of ‘Planting New Memories’, during the AC Milan vs. Monza Matchday, a part of the proceeds from tickets sold at the Stadium and the Mondo Milan Museum will go to the local project, thus offering another opportunity for the many Rossoneri fans to personally contribute to the Foundation’s charitable initiatives.

Fondazione Milan has demonstrated a constant commitment to providing educational and social support since 2003, carrying out over 230 projects in 23 countries, involving approximately 5,000 children every year and collecting over EUR 12 million. Through its Sport for All and Sport for Change and Assist programmes, Fondazione Milan continues to build a future in which every young person has the opportunity to develop their talent and fulfil their dreams.

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