After a long time, we are back “on the field” with the guys from the Playmore! centre in Via della Moscova in Milan, which is part of the Sport for All project.
The project is committed to expanding the range of sports offered to people with disabilities, so that everyone, without distinction, can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of sport, and to promoting the culture of integrated sport, in which children with and without disabilities take to the field together, side by side. For years, through the Sport for All programme, Milan Foundation has been committed to promoting social cohesion and the integration of children with disabilities in sporting contexts.
There are many sports that children can practice thanks to the project: football, fencing, gymnastics, beach volleyball, multisports and, at five dedicated times during the year, the Blind Sport Days, for the blind and visually impaired. Children can vary and have a wide range of choice.
To date, all activities have resumed, albeit in the uncertainty of the moment, always at risk of new restrictions and closures. In spite of everything, although still at a due distance, we were able to virtually re-embrace our boys and bring a warm greeting to all of them from the Rossoneri non-profit organisation. We also had the opportunity to take many new photos for this new 2021 season while the happy boys were training together with their teammates and coaches.
The activities of the Sport for All project continue and, soon, will resume in this 2021 also in the cities of Reggio Emilia, Rome and Catania.
Join the team, we are waiting for you!