The projects

Yousport Heroes F.C. – Milan

Social inclusion through sporting activity


For the 2022-2023 season, the Sport for Change programme is enriched with a new project in Milan, implemented together with YouSport asd that intervenes in the development and social inclusion of young people and adults who live on the margins of society due to their social, physical and intellectual background and condition.


With the Sport for Change project, the Fondazione Milan wanted to take part in the disbursement of 30 sports scholarships for young people from Yousport asd who, due to critical socio-economic situations, cannot afford the cost of sports activities.

Sport, in fact, despite being considered an educational tool through which young people learn to be together in harmony and grow in a structured and positive context, in which they learn values such as respect, inclusion, loyalty and cooperation, is hardly accessible.

There will also be seminar meetings held by expert sports psychologists and food technologists on topics such as integration through sport, team spirit, and proper nutrition, along with convivial moments to involve families and communities.


The main direct beneficiaries of this project will be 30 boys and girls, aged 10 to 14, divided into two teams of 15 members each. They will be identified through spontaneous adhesion by their families filtered through their socio-economic situation, social and family status, and ethnic origin. As indirect beneficiaries, 30 families of the students involved in the teams (about 130 people) will be involved in both the implementation and project phases, in the setting up of the convivial moments and in the training seminars: it is fundamental for the project to support them in the creation of a formative and educating community in collaboration with the partner school.

Project Partners and Institutions
  • Fondazione Milan
  • YouSport asd
  • Istituto Comprensivo Rinnovata Pizzigoni
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