Promoting inclusive sports activities to foster social cohesion.
Sport for All – Playmore! is an integrated sports project that brings together people with and without disabilities on the field, forming mixed teams that demonstrate how diversity is a valuable resource for our community. Located in the heart of Milan, the Sport4All project stands out for the wide range of sports disciplines practiced, including soccer, fencing, gymnastics, beach volleyball, and multisport.
The driving force behind this project lies in the variety and quality of integrated sports activities offered, the strategic location of PlayMore! with professional staff involved, the consolidated experience of the network partners, and the solid support of Fondazione Milan. Since its inception in 2019, Sport4All has continued to grow, welcoming an increasing number of participants, with and without disabilities.
The core of this initiative lies in the idea that sports practiced in mixed groups, with individuals with different abilities, constitute a powerful tool for appreciating diversity as an added value for personal and collective development.
The Sport for All program, along with PlayMore!, comprises a series of initiatives aimed at promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the world of sports and, more generally, in society. Few people with disabilities have the opportunity to practice any sports discipline and enjoy the psychophysical and relational benefits that come with it. That’s why Sport for All is committed to making sports offerings open to all, without any distinctions or barriers, through integrated sports activities, which allow people with different characteristics to come together to have fun and grow together.
The project involves the organization of various sports courses and events, multidisciplinary and integrated, conducted by qualified educators and instructors, proposed within the PlayMore! Sports Center in Milan. Training sessions, workshops, and meetings between the various partners of the PlayMore! network will also be organized to facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices in the integrated sports world.
The people involved in the project are individuals with and without disabilities, accompanied by professionals (educators, coaches, volunteers) at every stage of the journey, both during sports courses and events.
The activity is based on some fundamental values: sharing participation modalities in activities, sharing rules, and, most importantly, valuing relationships. The project targets people from various and distant contexts. Each activity involves indirect involvement ranging from sharing the inclusion path (sharing values through web platforms and social networks) to the presence of family members, friends, and volunteers on the sidelines of the proposed activities.
Fondazione Milan
Regione Lombardia
Comune di Milano (Municipality of Milan)
Assessorato Sport (Sports Department)
Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali (Department of Social Policies)
Municipio 1 (Municipality 1)
School institutes
Non-profit organizations:
Fondazione Lighea
Fraternità & Amicizia (Fraternity & Friendship)
Don Gnocchi
Fratelli di San Francesco (Brothers of Saint Francis)
Briantea 84
Bresso 4
Albero della Vita (Tree of Life)
Handicap su la testa (Disability on the Head)
Cascina Biblioteca (Farm Library)
Sporting 4E
Ausonia Vimercate
Sport senza frontiere (Sports without Borders)
Minerva Calcio Tukiki
Istituto dei Tumori Milano (Milan Cancer Institute)
Special Onlus
Baseball per ciechi (Baseball for the Blind)
Enjoy Sport
… and many more.