“The youths of today must be listened to. We as adults must help them to overcome their fears and their difficulties. Difficulties exist and nobody has a perfect life; we all have to go through tragedies or losses. In those moments, it’s essential to believe in oneself because there’s always a chance to have a happier and better life.” Those were the words of Rossoneri head coach Stefano Pioli as he shared his thoughts with the youngsters involved in Fondazione Milan’s Sport for Change project, during an intense, intimate and emotional dialogue held at the Kayròs Association in Vimodrone.
On the one hand, there exist difficulties, losses and failures, but there also exists rebirths, ascents and reconquests. The theme of redemption – in any sphere of life, starting with social issues – was the core factor that unified the various reflections, thoughts and stories, which emerged during this truly special meeting. As well as the importance of good teachers, the right friends and making the right choices, there was a discussion on how sport – football in particular – can be an instrument for far-reaching positive change, growth, education and inclusion.
The founder of the Kayròs Association Don Claudio Burgio led the meeting, which was opened by an address from Fondazione Milan’s General Secretary Rocco Giorgianni. Over 40 people took part in the event, including children currently enrolled in the project, those that have already completed their time there and subsequently returned for this meeting, as well as the Association’s tutors and volunteers.
“It was a meeting, in which there was an authentic, unique and incredible sharing of personal outlooks, which was invaluable to the kids and to the whole community. Stefano Pioli showed himself to be replete with a great sense of humanity and shared some rather deep reflections on life. This isn’t a side of him that many will have the fortune to see, beyond him being a great coach and sporting personality in the public eye. On behalf of the entire Kayròs family, I would like to thank the Rossoneri’s head coach, the Club and Fondazione Milan for taking part in this wonderful event, which is part of our shared desire to foment aid towards young people in difficulty.”
“Having the power to change lives through sports is a source of inspiration for the work done each day by Fondazione Milan,” said Rocco Giorgianni. “Seeing these kids light up upon listening to Stefano Pioli was a moving testament as to the education role, which sport plays in the lives of young people. The Sport for Change project, in which Kayròs is an active part, constantly displays the social and educational side of sport and gives confidence to these kids, who might go through times of trouble throughout their lives.”

Fondazione Milan’s Sport for Change project in Kayros
Sport for Change is a project through which Fondazione Milan contributes to the fight against educational poverty, a phenomenon that is itself a cause of social exclusion and discrimination.
The main problems closely linked to educational poverty are juvenile deviance (minors in conflict with the law) and school dropout, phenomena that are growing rapidly in our country.
It is therefore necessary to investigate and understand the needs and difficulties experienced by children from situations of hardship, so as to be able to offer them adequate educational support and positive reference figures.
To this end, Fondazione Milan has chosen to collaborate with the Kayròs Association in Vimodrone, which hosts minors involved in criminal measures and people from difficult family and social situations in its community centres, with the aim of giving the children hope for a better future.
The initiative, which uses sport as a tool for social change, has two main objectives: firstly, it aims to promote the growth, inclusion and socialisation of the young people living in the Kayròs communities through sport and, in particular, football. Secondly, the project partner undertakes to carry out specific activities aimed at supporting and accompanying the search for employment and the subsequent social reintegration of young adults hosted in the communities.
Kayròs Association The Kayròs Association was set up in 2000 in Lambrate on the initiative of Don Claudio Burgio and people and families sensitive to taking in minors in difficulty, referred by the Juvenile Court, the Social Services and the police. In Vimodrone, again in 2000, the first shelter community was set up, with a project based on strong territorial integration, in particular with the city’s parishes.